Here are the annual reports from Trollboken showing the work carried out to support quality of measurement for the laboratories.
Annual reports 2021 - 2022
Annual Report 2022 Trollboken AB
Analytical chemistry section
Support to laboratories
1) training for laboratory accreditation, ISO/IEC 17025, in collaboration with RISE, was given 2 times with about 50 participants;
2) agreement with Swedish Laboratory Accreditation (Swedac) to work as technical assessor 2022-2024 - no assignments in 2022.
3) contact with Italian accreditation (ACCREDIA) - a workshop in Italian planned for 2023;
4) several short consultancy assignments on accreditation and on-site training in measurement uncertainty and method validation;
5) microbiology - support with validation and measurement uncertainty to several laboratories;
6) support to analytical laboratories - development and quality control of XRF, X-ray fluorescence, both lab instruments and hand-held instruments;
7) for SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering, work on plans for statistical sampling and quality control of bentonite clay;
8) support for risk assessment and warning labelling (may contain traces) regarding the intake of food with allergens for the Swedish Grocery Trade - Svensk Dagligvaruhandel;
9) within Eurachem,, secretary within the working group on measurement uncertainty and two presentations at webinar October 2022 on measurement uncertainty with about 500 participants;
10) standardisation- participation for Eurachem in two working groups (WG1 & WG5) of ISO TC 69/SC6 Measurement methods and results.
11) further training - Bertil Magnusson has attended a course in statistics with the computer program R - Statistical analyses and visualization in R at Södertörn University;
12) updating of the company's website for laboratories;
13) launch of Eurolab/Eurachem Sweden website;
Guides for analytical laboratories in collaboration with RISE, Eurachem and Nordtest
1. On measurement uncertainty based on validation and quality control data - work on
new Eurachem Guide;
2. On measurement uncertainty in microbiology - editor for revision of Eurachem Guide
to be published in 2023.
All guides can be downloaded free of charge from the organisations' websites or via
Annual Report 2021
Support to laboratories
1) training to laboratories on ISO/IEC 17025 standard in collaboration with RISE was given 2 times with about 50 participants;
2) technical assessment for accreditation in Finland was provided remotely;
3) agreement with Swedish laboratory accreditation (Swedac) to work as technical assessor 2022-2024
4) contact with Italian accreditation (ACCREDIA) for possible future work;
5) several short consultancy assignments on accreditation;
6) within Eurachem, work as secretary in the Measurement Uncertainty Working Group;
7) updating the website for accredited laboratories;
8) development of the Eurolab/Eurachem Sweden website;
9) organisation of XRF (X-ray fluorescence) user meeting in Gothenburg with 50 participants in cooperation with Kemistutbildarna AB
Guides for analytical laboratories in collaboration with RISE, Eurachem and Nordtest:
On uncertainty and decision rules - revision of the Eurachem guide on "Compliance";
On measurement uncertainty in microbiology - work on revision of Eurachem's Guide.
All guides can be downloaded free of charge from the organisations' websites or from